Brahim Iddouch

The brilliant realizations of this big Moroccan Champion continued, either in 2010 or 2011, and at the present time he is participating in the international Championship “IBA pipe challenge” which is organized this February between 15 and 25th in Hawai in United States, in which he is competing big names from the caliber of “Mike Stewart”, “Diego Cabrera”, “Charlie Chaplet” and others. And Brahim in this competition, like he does in others, has strongly showed that he’s categorized among the International names in this sport.
It is to be noted that Brahim Iddouch participates under the name of Imouran Surf Association of Agadir, and he’s a member of Go Surf Moroccco, which is a touristic resort in Agadir that hosts enthusiasts and professionals of Surf and Body Boarding who are attracted by the Moroccan beaches to practice their favorite sport, as well as amateurs and lovers of this sport.

Such champions, regardless of what obstacles and difficulties they face, especially in obtaining visas to move freely outside the country to practice their sport, they succeed to realize big achievements with their self abilities and limited help of some people who sympathize with them or from the lovers of the sport. And the champions from the sort of Brahim Iddouch, who honorably represent Morocco in the international meetings, are to be crowned and need all kind of help and encouragement.
Brahim Iddouch :