Valentine’s Day : The Ocean is Your Girlfriend

a romantic day like The Valentine’s Day as you are a surfeur and you don't have nothing to celebrate with , this is the moment that you will find that The Ocean is Like Your Girlfriend , Even the wave could be your best friend , because you will have a great time with !!
if the ocean look like a beautiful and Amazing place for surfing or do any activity of sport , that mean your girlfriend she is beauty , and the weather is calm and maybe you will have a great relation , and your future will be good , it feeling Good when you Ride a Wave , Riding a wave is like the “Perfect Storm” ,and feeling Like you're Flying on the sky , because when you paddle for a wave your mind will think about many thing , but the only one is thinking how can you choose the perfect wave , and that what is the sweet word you can say to have a good answer ...
surfing is all about to start fresh , smile to life , works suck go surfing :)
The Ocean is your Girlfriend beacuse you will find everything you want on this beautiful place , when you take your first wave on the morning and have fun until the last wave you take at the afternoon ,and even you will have great time when you watch the sunset , it really an amazing to compare between the real girlfriend and the ocean , So see you on the water ...
By : yassine ishak